
Template3d is designed to operate in real time for development while de-coupling itself from the project in production. By default, the Template3d system will turn off when DEBUG is set to False in the projects file. This can be overridden as well, See Project Settings

Command line funtionality:
python template3d
Run diagnostics on current Django project with Template3d. This will also attempt to set proper permissions of the command script to the web user. This needs to be done to protect the file system in case of breach.
[ -o ]
Optimize templates for use with the front-end Template3d engine. Use this before the push to a public web server.
[ -c ]
Run the Google Code compiler on all Javascript in templates. This cannot be used in the views due to incompatibilities with python subprocess and current slow-ness. Use this before sending a repository to a public web server.
[ -d ]
Verify and match the standard templates_3d directory structure to the project templates directory. This will not overwrite any files. These two directories must maintain an identical structure.
[ -l ]
Lists current template3d settings for a project (including warnings).
[ -f ] or [ --files ]
Single out files to compile or optimize. Accepts one or more template names without path information. e.g. [ python -ocld -f "infor_page.html test2.html" ] will optimize and compile both templates listed only. Also, settings and warnings will display, and create any non-matching directories.


The google compiler cannot be accessed in real time through Django views. Usage of template3d [-o] is the only way to compile Javascript in templates. MAKE SURE that the template3d views are not processing templates after a compilation! This will overwrite your compiled templates with optimized only ones. See Understanding the Views